Transporting Your Vert Ramp in Perth

In many ideal scenarios you would generally decide on the final location you would like to setup your vert ramp long before you would physically build the structure. However, there are instances where you will need to move a ramp to a different location and some of those reasons include, selling your house and relocating, change of space requirements, selling the ramp or even moving it to an indoor skate…

January 28, 2016

How Skateboarding Vertical Ramps Are Built

So, you want to build a Vert Ramp and you’re wondering where to start. Well, you’ve come to the right site. Just read on and find out how to go about it. Step 1 You should first decide on the height and width of the Ramp you want to build. Have at least 4’ wide for the decks. You would want to make a whole size template of the quarter-pipe,…

January 27, 2016

Skateboarding In The Making

Skateboarding Australia is a blog setup to share all facets of skateboarding from Tips, Tricks, Events and even Competitions from all around the nation. Skateboarding has evolved over time since the early 1960s even though no one really knows who came up with the concept of building the very first skateboard but the very first concept of a rideable skateboard was attaching roller skate wheels to a plank of wood….

January 15, 2016